Winter Sports Uniform Returns

13 Feb 2020 from Germantown Academy - Winter

Greetings Winter Athletes and Coaches,

It is that time of year to begin returning GA-issued gear to the Equipment Room (i.e. – this does not apply to Swimmers or to Winter Track athletes who will also be participating in Spring Track) as the competition portion of the Winter Sports Season winds down.

Everyone who received a GA-issued uniform this Winter must return their uniform to the bin in the Equipment Room by Thursday, February 27th.

Thanks so much for your help with this matter. Below is a Q&A with our Equipment Room Manager, Mr. Stewart, in case you have questions about returning your uniform.

Go Patriots!
Mr. Fleckman

PS — If you are a Winter Track athlete who plans to compete with our Spring Track team, please email Mr. Stewart directly at

MS athletes and US athletes Q&A with Mr. Stewart

Q: What are the days and dates and times when we can return our uniforms?
A: From Feb 12th to Feb 27th on weekdays between 10:00 am and 6:00 pm (or whenever the Equipment Room is open for business)

Q: Where exactly do I return my uniform?
A: INSIDE the Equipment Room in the bin beneath the sign that reads “RETURN UNIFORMS

Q: What happens if I miss the return deadline?
A: Your parents will be billed for the replacement cost of your uniform.

Q: Can I have my friend, or someone else, drop off the uniform for me?
A: Yes. But, please make sure that you have someone you can trust complete this task so that
your parents do not receive a bill for a missing uniform.

Q: Can I just keep my uniform and pay the bill because I really like GA Athletic gear?
A: No. Our Athletic Department does not have the financial capacity or resources necessary to
replace large quantities of uniforms year-to-year. This is a matter of being “Honorable in
Deed,” as well as “Collaborative in Action.”

Q: What if I happen to walk by the Equipment Room at an hour other than the ones above, and the door is locked—can I just drop my uniform in front of the door?
A: No. You MUST return the uniform only when the Equipment Room is open.